To increase our ROI, we will decrease our content’s labor costs. To achieve our goal, we will provide a guide to format Collections. To enact our process, what's the best format? ...
We will decrease our content’s labor costs.
We will provide a guide to format Collections.
What’s the best format?
We draw on our experience as editor, managing editor, author, reviewer, instructor, and reader.
The answer is shown in the iFrame; this format is intended to be aesthetically-pleasing, clear, simple, and thus reliably used; in the Supplement, the settings are specified.
We will use this format to enact our process.
Jacques, Scott. 2023. Glossary. In Utilitarian Learning & Science: The Company-Website-Book, edited by Scott Jacques, Metaverse: Bentham Fox.
Select “Restricted”
Select “Public”
Nothing needed
Select “Use a layout for this Collection”
Ask Scott
what to upload as the “Preview Image”
Select “Wide”
Don’t “Allow duplicate Pubs”
Under “Blocks” …
The 1st Block should be a “Text Block” with …
Line 1, leave empty (press “enter/return”)
Line 2, add the main title and format as “Header 1” (bold)
Line 3, add the subtitle and format as “Header 2” (not bold)
Line 4, add a “Horizontal Line”
Line 5, add a short alternative description of the Collection (not bold)
The 2nd Block should be a “Pubs Block” with these selections
“Sort: Collection Order”
“Size: Minimal”
“Pub elements” deselected
“Limit Pubs: Show up to 100 Pubs”
Ask Scott
to select the
order of “Pinned Pubs”
The 3rd Block should be a “Text Block” with …
Line 1, add a space (press “space-bar”)
There should be no additional blocks; delete any
Nothing needed
Nothing needed
Nothing needed
Nothing needed
Add the “Title” as “Main title | Subtitle”
Change the Link to match the main title, no hyphens
Unselect “Private”
Select “Choose the best preview for each Pub”
Save changes!